


Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog. My name is Rob, I'm 23 years old and I live in the UK.

If you're wondering where the name came from, ''Cainage'' was a nickname coined by an old friend back in secondary school. It's sort of become the basis for this blog which brings all my entertainment portfolio together.

I'm into a fair few things including badminton, reading and writing, running and of course numerous forms of entertainment including gaming, movies and music. I've been writing reviews for said entertainment ever since my review of one particular PlayStation 3 title back in 2007.

Since then I've worked to build my writing style further and have recently graduated from Bournemouth University. What are my aspirations? At the moment I'm studying a masters in International Politics in London. I could either combine this with my base journalism degree or get into something completely based in diplomacy.

If you have a request for a review or just want to chat about things I can be reached at or you can tweet me @CainageCritique. Feel free to leave comments as well (polite ones mind!) or follow me on Bloglovin via the button on the side bar.

Disclaimer: All views on this blog are entirely my own and do not represent any company or organisation. I do not profit from this blog in any way other than displaying advertisements via Google earnings.

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