
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Breaking Bad vs Game of Thrones: A Clash of televised proportions

The wildly popular Game of Thrones has made it's return to small screens everywhere and has gathered a great deal of anticipation amongst audiences. But the fantasy adaptation continues to vie for for the title of ‘’best show on TV’’ against Breaking Bad, even though that series ended last year. Both programmes have achieved enormous praise from critics worldwide, built up huge fan-bases and have contributed in no small part to the modern renaissance in television. But which is the better show? I’ve watched both and whenever I talk with a common viewer about them, their preferences almost always choose one show over the other. This feature will compare the programmes strengths to find out whether the bias present amongst TV audiences is really worth debating.


Winner: Tie
Where characterisation is concerned, both shows do an excellent job of portraying the characters and their struggles. Game of Thrones stays true to the books in that there is no central protagonist or hero but instead every character has their own agenda and unique mind-sets. The huge cast puts all their talent into every line with characters such as Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen striking a chord with many viewers. The same can be said for Breaking Bad which also provides memorable and often entertaining characters who live and work just as we do; Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul’s Emmy awards are a testament to that. The performances of Breaking Bad continue to resonate even though the show has ended, proving that they can still stand up to other shows which have taken its place.

Twists and genuine shock value

Winner: Game of Thrones
Both programmes have some incredibly shocking and memorable moments in their own ways but nothing, I repeat NOTHING can top The Red Wedding from Game of Thrones, despite it having much less impact on me personally (I read the books first!). For those who have seen it or the many reaction videos posted on the internet, it is without a doubt THE most shocking moment of any modern television programme to date. Whereas when you look at Breaking Bad, the shocking moments in that show are spread across the seasons and most of the really impactful scenes occur towards the end of the show in the fifth season.

Narrative Arc

Winner: Breaking Bad
It’s a close contest, but Breaking Bad does come out on top when it comes to bringing things full circle; the main character, Walter White goes through and endures so much over the course of the five seasons and the audience is at full witnesses to his extremely detailed mental degeneration from loving father to dangerous criminal. At no point does his arc ever falter and on top of this, the characters Walter interacts with are also given detailed stories which wrap themselves up in all sorts of satisfying ways.

Realism and Relation

Winner: Breaking Bad
While Game of Thrones takes inspiration from real life conflicts such as the War of the Roses and its characters do, in a sense, represent archetypes, Breaking Bad’s realistic setting and characters means that we as an audience are able to relate better. When Walter White joins the meth business, we fully understand why he would do it. Likewise when he comes into contact with rivals and unsavoury individuals, the conflicts that rage seem as if they could actually happen. It is this realism amongst other reasons why Breaking Bad was such a hit with fans and critics alike.

Production Values

Winner: Game of Thrones
There’s no simpler way of putting it; the production values of Game of Thrones are simply astounding, perfectly bringing George Martin’s fantasy epic to the screen and pushing the boundaries of special effects on TV in the process. Whether it’s the hugely detailed set designs, often grotesque looking creatures or the authentic costuming, everything about the show seeks to dazzle the viewer and fully immerse them in the world of Westeros at every turn. The series will no doubt continue to do so in future seasons. Breaking Bad has some good production values too but because of its realistic tone and setting, the effects are much more restricted and as such, can never wow the audience the way Game of Thrones can.

When you look at the strengths of both shows, it becomes clear that Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad are just as good as each other; neither is better or more refined. Even though Walt’s meth fuelled fall from grace ended last year, it’s still being watched and talked about by many in 2014. If you’re a fan of one of the two shows, do yourself a favour and check out the one you haven’t seen; neither will disappoint one bit.

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